UNESCO Recognizes 24 Odisha Villages as ‘Tsunami Ready’: A Step Towards Coastal Resilience

Twenty-four coastal villages in Odisha have been officially recognized as “Tsunami Ready” by UNESCO during the 2nd Global Tsunami Symposium held in Indonesia. This achievement follows a rigorous verification process conducted by the National Tsunami Ready Recognition Board (NTRB).

The NTRB and Tsunami Readiness

Comprising experts from the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) and the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), the NTRB oversees the Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme. This initiative aims to enhance coastal communities’ resilience to tsunami threats through awareness, preparedness, and mitigation strategies.

UNESCO’s Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme (TRRP)

The TRRP is a global, voluntary effort to strengthen disaster risk reduction and management in coastal areas. By adhering to a set of 12 preparedness indicators, communities can achieve and maintain “Tsunami Ready” status, which is renewable every four years.

Understanding Tsunamis

Tsunamis are a series of powerful waves generated by underwater disturbances, often triggered by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, or underwater rockfalls. The term “tsunami” originates from Japanese, combining “tsu” (harbor) and “nami” (wave).

Key Characteristics of Tsunamis:

  • High Speed: Tsunamis can travel at speeds exceeding 500 miles per hour in deep waters.
  • Increased Height: As tsunamis approach shallow coastal waters, their speed decreases, but their height increases dramatically.
  • Depth-Dependent Speed: The speed of a tsunami wave is primarily influenced by ocean depth, not distance from the source.

India’s Tsunami Preparedness Efforts

India has taken significant steps to mitigate tsunami risks:

  • Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC): This center provides timely tsunami advisories to 25 Indian Ocean countries.
  • Tsunami Buoy Network: A network of buoys transmits real-time data to monitor ocean conditions.
  • Tide Gauge Stations: INCOIS operates a network of tide gauge stations along the Indian coast to track sea level changes.
  • NDMA Guidelines: The NDMA has issued comprehensive guidelines for tsunami management in India.
  • Tsunami Modeling and Mapping: Detailed modeling and mapping of potential tsunami impacts have been conducted along the Indian coast.

By achieving “Tsunami Ready” status, these 24 Odisha villages have demonstrated their commitment to safeguarding lives and livelihoods in the face of potential tsunami threats.

Articles: 4

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